
Our modelling services incorporate a range of commercial software and in-house tools.
Emissions Compliance
We cover compliance with Part L regulations for domestic and non-domestic buildings and new construction and refurbishment. We are also able to lodge energy performance certificates.

Thermal Comfort
Building performance modelling is used to determine heating and cooling equipment sizing for suitable operation. Ventilation studies demonstrate compliance with a range of thermal comfort guidelines including TM52, TM59, BB101 and pollutant concentration.  

Daylight & Overshadowing
Internal daylight distribution is calculated to assess glazing specifications, lighting configurations and support Breeam submissions. Overshadowing is modelled to support planning applications for high-rise developments or developments in crowded areas.


Building Services

We develop design strategies for the built environment.
We are able to provide full M&E design services and commissioning exercises.



Developing energy strategies and auditing existing installations.
Our services include the sizing of renewables to meet sustainability requirements, carbon emissions targets and financial incentives. We can compare the performance of different fuel sources and CHP sizes based on bespoke building operation to optimise plant selection. Our auditing work reviews the operation of installed equipment and building energy loads to identify solution opportunities to maximise carbon savings and reduce running costs.


Drafting Services

We provide 2D and 3D drawings to support flexible demand.
Drawings can be provided in AutoCAD, Revit and SketchUp for building services, architectural design and structural assessments.
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